Nick Zarlinga
"If we ignore nature.....maybe it'll go away."
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Crail" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- That whole sandbed thing.
> Ah yes, now the topic of conversion :)
> Let's be very careful when discussing how nutrient poor reefs are. Reefs
> are "nutrient poor" *only* because the nutrients are unobservable to
> due to such a fantastic density and volume of mouths/primary producers.
> That is to say, the nutrients are utilized *as fast* as a tide can pull it
> in from the deep sea (marine snows) and out of the lagoonal and mangrove
> type habitats. If you were to, uh, dynamite a reef, you'd quickly see how
> "nutrient poor" that water really is in the ensuing massive algal
> and fiberous) bloom that occurs after such destruction. ;)
> The reefs have evolved to be balanced on this ebb and flow of
> nutrients/nutrition in and out daily... The balance only gets hosed up
> some _at_#$%^ is clear cutting a stable rainforest up stream to grow his kava
> crop way up a mountain that isn't going to grow any way, or a city decides
> the best thing to do about seasonal flooding is to pave the riverbeds, and
> nutrient value is at surplus... Which favors unfavorable algae growth, as
> algae are the most quick to respond to the new current situation.
> And so yes, I agree, and I feel that planted tanks are the same, in that
> there is a requirement for low observable nutrients, but exists also a
> of nirvana known as "rapid conversion". A 5lb bag of plants for the
> a month is one such example. Big coral heads that came from fragments
> months earlier are another :)
> And, of course, I would have been busy boasting about how wonderful my new
> systems were this week and not remembering to do the mid-week plant
> fertilizer (and it's an ixnay on the phosphorus, which I agree, is the
> I don't like about the soils :) addition and now I have the start of a
> algal bloom because I disabled my "converters" from doing their thing by
> limiting thier physiology... And that opportunistic algae jumped right on
> it. But then again... I will have the pleasure of watching the glass
> on it's own now that I have made the addition and a new committment to
> making sure I hit it mid week. :)
> Todd
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "njz" <>
> I believe that plant systems
> > are like reef systems, you want relatively nutrient poor water with only
> the
> > elements needed for the plants to grow. Too many nutrients can cause
> other
> > undesirable situations.
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