Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
At 09:43 PM 2/11/03 -0500, you wrote:
>Thanks Steve :)
>Yeah.... But it seems tho the further south you go, the thicker the neoprene
>needs to be. I was looking at those Monster Florida trip photos and I just
>couldn't figure it out. Here I had just got back from standing in literal
>freezing water with just thin nylon waders with the normal neoprene footies
>and I was just fine. But y'all were standing next to nice green saw
>palmetos in 3 mil dressed like some eskimo that just ran thru a camouflage
>factory. The green plants give you guys a rash or sumpin'? What's that all
>Sorry.. Couldn't resist ;) heeheeheehee
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