Thanks! The Carolina guys are tough. You just can't wear 'em out! If
there's fish to be had, and daylight to get 'em in, these guys are on the
move. They're rough on us old dudes!
The ID is actually correct...I was there when that one was pulled out. The
light is glaring off the body slime, obscuring many of the telltale
markings. Many of the larger flagfish we caught in that spot had reddish
lower fins & tails.
Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
At 10:30 PM 2/11/03 -0500, you wrote:
>Wow. I have to say that "y'all" have set the current world's record
>for the most collecting sites hit in one NANFA trip! My hat is off.
>And I don't even wear a hat! I thought I was a hard core fish
>hunter. I take this as a personal challenge. Might take the rest of
>my life, but hey, why not? Thanks for taking the time to write it
>all down, get photos and post it for us
>unfortunate-slobs-who-missed-it to enjoy vicariously. Nice work!
>PS - This photo seems to be misidentified:
>I think that's a Fundulus chrysotus that is deformed. The body is
>too short. Here's a creek chub with a similiar condition:
>Thanks again.
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