Any thoughts or experience?
Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Haas
> Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 11:50 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: NANFA--plywood aquariums?
> Both methods have been working for me for about three years
> now with zero
> leaks. I had some problems with a formica method tank, but
> only because I
> was stupid and tried the old "hey, let's be a moron and move
> the aquarium
> while it has 150 gallons of water and 50 lbs. of gravel in
> it" trick. That
> is not good for seals, in case anyone didn't already know :)
> Travis Haas
> Hazel Green, WI
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