>One source of information is for 3-spine sticklebacks -- "The Biology of
>the Sticklebacks", by R. J. Wootton, Academic Press 1976. A harder to find
>title is "Sensory Biology of Aquatic Animals", ed. by J. Atema, R.R. Fay,
>A.N. Popper and W.N. Tavolga, Springer-Verlag 1988, the proceedings of a
>conference of the same name held at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota,
>FL in 1985. An old TFH book, "Breeding Behavior of Aquarium Fishes" by Dr.
>Wolfgang Wickler discusses color and behavior. Those are the best three I've
>got in my library, at least... and see any of the books written by Donald R.
>Griffin such as "Animal Minds", where he explicitly addresses issues of
>cognition. (My final advice for a seminar: keep talking! been there, done
>--Bruce Stallsmith
>Huntsville, AL
>>Hello all,
>> I am making a request for help here. I have to give a biology seminar
>>this semester, and lucky me got picked to deliver the second one of the
>>season. That means I have approximately five weeks to find research
>>material and present a 40 minute seminar on the subject.
>> My subject is on the overall topic of Cognition in animals. More
>>specifically, I will be doing one on perception and color and how it
>>affects certain behaviors such as mate choice, schooling or
>> Now, the problem. I have found a few papers on non-North American
>>fishes (mostly marine) but I would like to find something on native
>>freshwater fishes. Does anyone know of any such research? I have a few
>>leads, but my time crunch is massive. Any suggestions on where to look
>>would be appreciated.
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