<< The bulbs differ by different phosphors being combined inside the bulbs,
by filtering. Power and light quality are 2 different measures; all depends
what ya need...
I understand the concept, but a fluorescent bulb is inherently dim no matter
what the spectrum. Have you ever taken a fluorescent bulb out side during the
day? In sunlight you can't even tell if a florescent bulb is on. When I say
intensity I am talking about light approaching natural sunlight, fluorescent
except maybe compact, cannot be combined to approach anything but a small
fraction of sunlight intensity. I do feel that wide spectrum is better for
reasons other than photosynthesis but intensity is most important of all. A
halogen bulb which is only bright to our eyes and contains little of the blue
end of the spectrum will still grow plants better than a fluorescent bulb
that is "tuned" the absorption peaks of chlorophyll. I have read some
speculation that a point source is better than the spread out light of a
fluorescent bulb also.
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