If the stream in question is connected to the water-shed in question, that
the native fishes that are localised would voluntarily repopulate the
habitat without any help from us humans......
----- Original Message -----
From: Leo Arieux <HOLLIS1506_at_webtv.net>
To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Re: Native Fish Availability
> I have a couple of questions for Mr, Phillips:
> 1) Specifically where is this "Southern Stream" located... State, County
> and it's name if it has one?
> 2) Are any/all of the fish requested native to this stream or just what
> Mr. Phillips would like to be there?
> 3) what caused the loss of the previous occupants of said stream ?
> Is/was this a one time problem or is there a possibility
> a reoccurrance. If this may reoccure then that problem should be
> addressed first....
> then restocking.
> 4) What are the laws governing restocking in this state where ever it
> may be ? We may be contributing to the breaking of some laws, God knows
> there are enough of them !
> I think it would help us to get some answers to these questions before
> giving our assistance. I assume Mr. Phillips would not be against some
> clarification on these points.
> Leo
> ************************************
> Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler'
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