<< Ignorance is bliss. Education is key as has been pointed out by many
with respect to the person who requested help on restocking a stream.
The problem with "morally" right decisions is that not all people (myself
included) are educated enough to know what species should (or legally could)
be harvested for feeders. I do not have the expertise to identify all
these fish. If I went and netted a bunch of emerald shiners and baby
paddlefish, I wouldn't know if I should throw either of them back or not.
Maybe it is okay to take the feeders you described above...I don't know. If
someone like me went out to net some feeders, I'd be happy if I had a bunch
of fish, even if they were blue pike. :)
If you don't know any more about fish that this you shouldn't be catching or
keeping them.
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