NANFA-- fish under stones
Sun, 28 Jan 2001 15:51:56 EST
I just got back from a walk behind my apartment building. Theres an area of
black and red mangroves that has a large puddle under it among the roots.
It's been dry here without too much rain so the puddle was dry nothing but
damp mud. Here and there were a few coral rocks I decided to lift them to see
what was under there. At first a lot of sea roaches went dashing away, but on
closer examination there were 2 small black salamander looking things lying
still on the mud. They were Rivulus marmoratus lying on the wet mud, I lifted
more rocks and an old board and found 11 more! Truly amazing fishes just
waiting for the next rain, I left them there to seed the puddle when it fills
again. It was 62 deg.
Andy Borgia
Key West,Florida
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