I did try the my foods for a couple of weeks at a time. Both in the fridge &
at room temp. The double distilled water is free-except for basic water bill
& electric for the distilling equipment (my grandfather gave me the
equipment when he closed his lab in 1986). My tap water is very hard and
very chlorinated. I won't drink it & I won't give it to my plants or my
I do try to vary the diets of my animals/fishes however I am fairly new to
the native fish/native tank thing. My resources locally are limited
(especially in winter) and I've only begun to find sources online that don't
exceed my own food budget!
I do purchase california blackworms from Aquatic Foods online & some
blacworms locally at a pet store (they don't always have them-especially
when I need them!). I'm not happy with the pellets, flakes & discs (floating
or sinking) because of the cloudy water which can occur. I try to save these
for emergency foods when my supplies have depleated and the shipment from
aquatic foods is late.
Unfortunately the 1 lb. introductory offer was just that -introductory- and
my relatives and friends have all also had their introductory offers and now
the minimum is 3 lbs. (That's A LOT of worms!!!) The 1 lb. lasted 3 weeks &
took the entire top shelf of my fridge. I'm purchasing a dorm fridge for the
future deliveries. (I need my fridge for my food!!!) I'll keep the worm
fridge around 55 degrees F.
I also feed red trout worms, gnats, snails, snail eggs, dragonfly larvae,
nightcrawlers, all sizes of crickets, grubs, minnows, goldfish, rosie reds,
brine shimp, waxworms & mealworms. Most are seasonal though...I really
prefer the live foods because the tanks stay so clean & the filter does not
get clogged up from what's not immediately eaten-I have snails & blackworms
living in my filters! Boy do they keep a clean house! My tanks are filled
with live plants-hornwort, anacharis, cabomba, foxtail, spirulina, etc.
Anyone have any suggestions for live foods online or locally?
(Cincinna[s]ti/N.Ky area) I'm not rich, just dedicated. I'm feeding
sticklebacks & darters (only go for live-won't touch flakes or the such!),
blue gills, crayfish (they eat practically everything!), and some
largemouths. (No-they are not all in the same tank!)
Thanks again!
Amy :)
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