In my days in the US Army, the First Sargeant (Tops) were generally nice
guys, it was the new Lieutenants and young Captains and over-bearing company
clerks, usually corporals that you had to watch out for!
----- Original Message -----
From: <Ty_Hall_at_eFunds.Com>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Snakes in the Dorm!
> Cool stuff Jeff. I was also in the AF from 1979 - 1992. From 1979 - 1984 I
> was stationed at Beale AFB in northern California. I lived in the dorms
> a short time and while I was there I had a Cockatiel <sic> and the guy
> the hall had an Alligator. It was fairly small maybe 12" or so. He kept it
> in a very large homemade tank. Probably illegal as heck, but is sure was
> cool.
> BTW, what is it with First Sergeants? I only had one good one the whole
> time I was in. Ok, maybe 2. But for a guy that's supposed to be your
> advocate they sure picked some SOB's.
> Ty
> That brings back memories.
> I've kept just about anything you could keep while in the USAF from 1986
> thru 1993. Fish, amphibians, and reptiles (no venomous or giant
> constrictors). Generally the rules and the willingness to enforce them
> varied from place to place and aquariums were allowed up to a certain
> capacity. At March AFB (SAC) in California they allowed small birds and
> for the most part turned a blind eye to reptiles in aquaria. Most stuff
> would just disappear a few day when we were having a special like
> command level inspection - the First Shirt would say - get rid of your
> rabbits and snakes and whatever else you have and we would.
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