Thirty gallon Polyethylene tank, windowed, with backflow filter, heater and
lighting. (Aquatic Ecosystems)
Linear Air pump, LT-24 high volume, quiet air supply for an entire fishroom
of tanks. (Aquatic Ecosystems)
Trio of Enneacanthus, wood carvings by Leo Long.
Seine and dip-net from James Graham.
Fish prints from Joseph Tomelleri
Fish paintings from Ken McKeighen, Jr.
Wooden wall clock, in "Intaglio" style, quartz movement, by Bruce "Gator"
I've yet to receive a confirmation from Ken McKeighen, but all the other
prizes mentioned are confirmed from the donors'. After the list is finalized
and confirmed, we'll have the tickets formatted and printed by someone, for
mailing with the convention reservation forms to all NANFA members. Does
anyone have the time to draw up the final raffle ticket design on computer
and then distribute them electronically to the membership? Any volunteers
would be greatly appreciated!
Hey, I'm doing good just to be able to use this PC to send me the computer dummy!
Best Regards and I hope to see you in OHIO!
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