I returned home with everything you see pictured. The little channel cat
and a few brook silversides are now preserved specimens. I lost two swamp
darters very early on, but no casualties since then. The big surprise has
been the shrimp. They are very shy, but appear to be thriving. I've never
kept them before. As always, I started a 4-day pre-emptive medicine
treatment with Furan2 as soon as I got the fishes in tanks at home. Since
I've been doing that I hardly ever lose any unless they just won't eat
anything. I agree with you about Florida...I gotta' get back down there soon.
Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
At 04:06 PM 1/22/02 -0500, you wrote:
>that was pretty cool. you are getting a lot better w/ the camera indeed.
>thanks jay for your posting part too.
>seeing those pics makes me want to jump in. it has been almost 2 years since
>ive been to the panhandle. there are so many cool fish to see down there. i
>think my favorite is the little pygmy killie. ive pulled some males out that
>are only about an inch long that will knock your socks off. they are a fun
>fish to watch while snorkling... tho the most colorful seem to come from dark
>water. they tend to hover about and in vegatation... hard to see unless you
>really get your mask in the weeds.
>what did you return home with? are they fine? any casuaties? that sailfin
>shiner sure looks pretty. i believe i saw some of them when we went south
>after the jackson convention to see bg's blue nose shiners.
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