Re: NANFA-- Scott Davis?

Sajjad Lateef (
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 08:34:40 -0500 (CDT)

On Sun, 22 Jul 2001, Scott Davis wrote:

> No, you're not paranoid. I thought we had caught a mail carried trojan . I
> purged my address book of all addresses (where they tend to collect when I
> save neat posts to a super disk.) and urgently updated the anti-virus
> program.

The latest (and highly annoying) virus is called SirCam. You can read
about it at:,1282,45427,00.html

Among other things, it will take random documents (.doc, .zip, .jpg) from
your "My Documents" folder and mail them to random addresses in your

Get good anti-virus software and update it regularly, folks. It's well
worth the money. And, if you can, stop using Outlook Express or Outlook
for email - switch to Eudora or some other more secure email software.


Sajjad Lateef   email: sajjad <at> 
Chicago, IL     web:

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