Re: NANFA-- Umbra limi advice?

R. W. Wolff (
Fri, 2 Jun 2000 17:58:14 -0700

Sounds like you have done everything correctly to get them to spawn.
Mudminnows are awesome. They will need thick plants to spawn in, like java
moss, if that isnn't available to you, make a very large killi mop. I have
read, but never witnessed the females gaurd the eggs after spawning. It
would be a good Idea to remove the males once eggs are laid. The eggs are
good size, not quite rivulus or fundulus, but larger than aphyesmion, more
like fundlopanchax eggs. They should hatch in a week , remove all remaining
adults and the fry should be large enough to take baby brine shrimp. young
muds raised in captivity should start taking high quality fish food too as
it sinks, as long as it has good sent, they may even pick it off the bottom.
Once trained they will take the floating stuff and be very tame. Good luck,
keep us posted!

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