Re: NANFA-- Wisconsin
R. W. Wolff (
Wed, 7 Jun 2000 11:21:37 -0700
Let me clarify the reason for using different food stuffs for each type of
fish. I could feed all the same type of "good food" that all the fish would
eat, but then I would go broke, as hikari discus pellets, tetra discus bits
and the like are expensive versus the Purina game fish chow. I don't need
to grind up the chow for warmouth, they will gulp down and crush even the
largest peas sized ones, but the dollars will only eat the tiny pellets in
the mix. I gave up crunching them as it was so much work, and went to
buying the inexpensive shrimp pellets for the fish that can't handle any
size chow pellets. The same for live foods, daphnia and black and / or
white worms would be cleaned out in one feeding by my warmouth, so I stuff
them on minnows, then the aggressive secondary larger fish will get the
large worms, then the remaining smaller fish will get a feeding of black
worms or white worms, or scuds/daphnia etc. It sounds like a lot of work,
but I think variety helps keep them healthy, and it is the best way for me
to keep everyone well fed. Well fed fish are less likely to be so
competitive , as this is a big reason for competition or aggressiveness. I
am not knocking anyone else's methods ,as it is important to have as many
methods available to list readers to choose from, as I am sure one method
won't fit all, and combinations of different ones will work for others.
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