"Decreasing abundance of the Arkansas River shiner in the South Canadian
River,. Oklahoma, " by J. Pigg (deceased), R. Gibbs, and K.D. Cunningham.
Authors made over 120 collections during a 20 year period that document
significant population declines of Notropis girardi at two of three
locations sampled. This is an intersting article that emphasizes the need
for recovery efforts like those described by Craig Springer in the most
recent issue of American Currents.
"New Maximum Age of bigmouth buffalo, Ictiobus cyprinellus" by C.P. Paukert
and J.M. Long. Prior to this study, maximum age recorded for species was
for a 20 year old specimen from Saskatchewan. Greater ages are suggested
for Canadian fish but not documented. Most studies of bigmouth buffalo do
not document ages > 10 years. Authors collected 6 specimens 856 - 950 mm TL
from Keystone Reservoir in Oklahoma. Ages for 5/6 were 23-26 years
substantially increasing known maximum age for this species.
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