NANFA-- Wierd Dytiscus Beetle Larvae
Sun, 11 Jun 2000 16:09:21 EDT
I found some water tigers in the vernal pool behind my parent's house that
don't look like the ones I usually see; they're light brown in color, have
these jagged projections coming off of the sides of their torso which makes
them look like hellgrammites, along with a pale fuzz that looks like fungus
and at first glance makes them look almost white (all of the individuals I've
seen have exhibited this trait). They have wickedly jagged long mandibles
which seem longer than the other, more common type of water tiger.They tend
to stay at the top more, too. I'm not keeping any right now ( no room) but
plan to in the future. I'm wondering if anyone knows what species they are.
The ones I usually see are dark brown to black, with smaller mandibles,no
white fuzz,and no jagged pointy things coming off of the sides of the torso.
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