Re: NANFA-- "Brain Coral" Freshwater Bryozoans?

Bruce Stallsmith (
Sun, 11 Jun 2000 16:15:56 EDT

They may also be one of several types of colonial bacteria, such as "Witches
Butter" which Latin name escapes me at the moment. These forms love funky
water like it seems your source is.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL

>I found what I think are freshwater bryozoans (the gelatinous variety) in a
>vernal pool (more like a long trench actually) behind my parents house.
>look like brain corals; they're kinda grayish-white in color but some of
>have a faint greenish tinge in places.They grow mainly on the plentiful
>dead leaves which cover the mud substrate, as well as a few small tree
>branches that have fallen in the pool. They're delicate and fall apart
>easily when lifting them up out of the water.I managed to get a couple of
>them out more or less intact and into a gallon jar (nowhere else to put
>them).I remember Moontanman mentioning finding them in his area before, and
>think that this must be what these things are. How does one keep them alive
>and healthy?What should they be fed? How can i get them ton reproduce? Do
>they have to be kept in soft acid water or can they be acclimated to
>more alkaline water?

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