On Sunday, June 17, Don McAllister passed away in Canada after a lengthy
illness. He was a superb ichthyologist, known for his 1963 revision of the
smelt family (Osmeridae), and late in his career worked tirelessly in
biodiversity and marine conservation issues. A NANFA member in the late
80s/early 90s, Dr. McAllister was also founder (or one of the founding
partners) of Ocean Voice International, a wonderful organization you can
learn more about at http://www.ovi.ca
And just today (6/22), Wendell Lee Minckley (WL, or "Minck") died at Desert
Samaritan Hospital in Arizona after a 6-month illness. Dr. Minckley was an
expert on fishes of the Colorado River and desert Southwest, as well as
fishes of Cuatro Cienegas in Mexico. His 1973 "Fishes of Arizona" is still
the definitive guide for that state. Dr. Minckley was also the major
professor and advisor of NANFA's Peter Unmack, who received his M.S. and was
working on his Ph.D. under Dr. Minckley's tutelage. The Cuatro Cienegas
cichlid, "Cichlasoma" minckleyi, was named in his honor. You can learn more
about the late Dr, Mickley here:
Chris Scharpf
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