>On Sunday, June 17, Don McAllister passed away in Canada after a lengthy
>illness. He was a superb ichthyologist, known for his 1963 revision of the
>smelt family (Osmeridae), and late in his career worked tirelessly in
>biodiversity and marine conservation issues. A NANFA member in the late
>80s/early 90s, Dr. McAllister was also founder (or one of the founding
>partners) of Ocean Voice International, a wonderful organization you can
>learn more about at http://www.ovi.ca
Don McAllister gave a funny presentation on fishes of Vancouver Island or
British Columbia or something similar, at a fish culture conference in
Victoria, BC, a few years ago. He had a slide presentation and named fish
after fish, displaying their slides each time, but the fishes on the slides
didn't match the ones he named. For instance, he named the cutthroat troat
and showed a slide of a northern pike, and if I remember he had slides of
South American catfishes and angler fishes (and even an orca if I
recall!). While the rest of there were trying to make a meaningful
professional impression, he turned everything upside down and cracked us
all up. I thank Don McAllister for that memory and lesson. Take what you
do seriously-- your job, helping others, or whatever-- but life is too
short to take yourself too seriously.
-- Jay DeLong Olympia, WA
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