Re: NANFA-- off-topic: CANDIRU!
Wed, 6 Mar 2002 11:22:37 -0800 (PST)
When teras were often shipped dirrect from their
home waters we sometimes found condiru mixed in . They
were small and clear so sometimes went unoticed . I
think they most often came in with cardinal tetras .
Talked to a vet about them and he had me set up a
small tank of them in his office . There has been a
debate --sometimes all out arguement--about weather
condiru do or dont . These phots have slanted the
debate twords do . The mystery is why some tribes in
condiru areas fear them and others laugh at the very
idea .
--- wrote:
> Click on this page for a true-life story of a
> candiru being surgically removed
> from a penis. DO NOT clink on the photo link unless
> you have a strong stomach.
> (Can anybody provide a translation?)
> By the way, Paolo Petry, the scientist quoted in the
> article, is scheduled to
> speak at the NANFA Convention in August. He will
> reportedly demonstrate proven
> candiru collection techniques.
> Enjoy,
> Chris Scharpf
> Balti
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