Your post got me to reminiscing about a creek that I played in as a kid
growing up in Akron. I lived next to Sand Run Park and spent many a day
knee deep in the creek (Sand Run?) that ran through the park. It flowed
down into the Cuyahoga. Has anyone done any collecting in that creek? I
remember the sand and gravel bottom and for the most part clear water even
in the early 70s. I don't remember seeing any fish in it but it had healthy
crayfish populations.
Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nicholas J. Zarlinga
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 3:00 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: NANFA-- Looking for new N. Ohio fishes
> Brian, your right in my back yard and I didn't know it! I
> live in Bedford
> too, you, me and Rob Carillio need to hook up soon. Rob has
> lots of sites
> east of Cleveland that he is good at. As a matter of fact,
> him and I are
> going to be scoping out some sites for a NANFA/Cleveland
> Aquarium Society
> trip going on May 11. Hit me off list if you need more
> details and how we
> can hook up. Anyhow, I have caught logperch down in the
> Cuyahoga on hook
> and line right under the Rt. 82 bridge. I have also caught
> bunches of them
> in the Chagrin. They are not too hard to find. Also, a
> friend of mine and
> I got a baby rainbow trout (not steelhead yet) in a small
> tributary of the
> Chargrin late summer last year. I even got a brookie last year!
> Greensides are abundant in the Chagrin also. A friend and I
> just caught
> one of the nicest ones I have ever seen over in Newbury,
> Chagrin drainage
> again. Chagrin and Grand, two of the best places around!
> Nick Zarlinga
> Aquarium Biologist
> Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
> 216-661-6500 ex 4485
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