> Martin pretty much out lined how polarized glasses work. The one lens has
> "mini blinds" that go vertical in the lens, and the other one has
> ones. In conjuction is how they work well with the eye. Would this work on
> lens of a light though? I thought the reason it worked as glasses reducing
> glare is because each eye is working together.
> The plastic lens I know are made by a stretching method that creates the
> "mini blind" effect.
> If anyone cared. Something I actuall learned in school way back.
I don't know if this is relevant but has anyone ever noticed when you are
driving a car and wearing polarized sunglasses how the windows on some cars seem
to have partially opaque spots on them? It has to do with both being polarized
and not quite lining up. I think that all polarized glass is tinted to some
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