Thanks. University of Texas has a great database. I don't have a link handy, but somebody on the NANFA list can hook you up with it fairly quickly. I get most of my info from the Peterson's Guide to North American Freshwater Fishes. The range maps are good enough to put you in the ballpark for whatever fishes you seek. It gives a good run-down on all the fishes I listed. Hope this helps!
Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
-----Original Message-----
From: "Dave P." <>
Sent: Mar 21, 2004 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Macon trip update
Hi Steven,
What an impressive list! I have no idea what most are. We are primarly into native livebearers, wild lifebearers & fancy livebeareres & guppies. Is there a database somewhere you're aware of that we can look up these fish to see what they are?
Steven Ellis <> wrote:
Hi Dave & Babette
My "on hand" stock is very limited right now, but below is a projected list of what we may encounter on the upcoming trip. Y'all are more than welcome to join us. If not, let me know if any of these strike your fancy and I'll do my best to bag some for you. Some of these are on the extreme edges of their accepted ranges. The ones that are GA listed are duly noted. Hope to see you there!
Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
Christmas darter
Goldstripe darter (GA rare)
Gulf darter
Turquoise darter
Blackbanded darter
Redbreast sunfish
Redear sunfish
Spotted sunfish
Largemouth bass
Shadow bass
Black crappie
Pirate perch
Speckled madtom
Tadpole madtom
Snail bullhead
Brown bullhead
Yellow bullhead
White catfish
Channel catfish
Grayfin redhorse
Spotted sucker
Silverjaw minnow
Pugnose minnow
Clear chub
Bluehead chub
Coastal shiner
Highscale shiner (GA threatened)
Longnose shiner
Yellowfin shiner
Bluestripe shiner (GA threatened)
Ocmulgee shiner
Blacktail shiner
Blacktip shiner
Golden shiner
Grass pickerel
Chain pickerel
Gizzard shad
American shad
American eel
-----Original Message-----
From: "Dave P."
Sent: Mar 19, 2004 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Macon trip update
Hi Steven,
I read your email online to the group & thought I'd drop you a line as it appears you're in GA. We live in SC & are always looking for other hobbyists fairly close who might be raising some fish we might be interested in. If you are would you send me a stock list of what you have? We're into Discus, Angelfish, Natives, IFGA Gupppies & Dwarf Cichlids.
Dave & Babette
Denmark, SC
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