This is my first time posting to this list. My name is AZ, and I'm a
resident of Minnesota.
I have a 75 gallon tank that is nearly done cycling. I originally planned on
ordering some fancy rare Central American cichlids for it, but due to a
sudden shift in my employment status, I can't justify the price of those
fish or the shipping that would go along with them. I have always liked the
idea of natives though. Going out and catching them and bringing them back.
Heck, cichlid fans pay exorbinant air fare to fly to South America or Africa
to do it, and they could just frive down to their local stream.
Like I said, it is a 75, with two Emperor 400 power filters, and about 3/4"
of sand on the bottom. I have some floating hornwort that is slowly
expanding, and will probably cover the tank given time. I haven't done
anything for aquascaping yet, but I will probably go with smooth river
stones and/or branches. The temperature of the room is typically right
around 70. It might dip to 65 at night in the winter, and might get a litlle
warmer during the day in the summer.
I would like to hear some suggestions that people may have for a setup like
this. Or if there are any Minnesota people that would like to drop me a
line, feel free. I certainly will need a little help finding good places to
colect if I decide to set up my tank in a native fasion.
AZ Burns
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