>>will probably have the wife and kid with me which probably
won't come on the boat with us and will hang out at a local beach
there's certainly enough hotels around and a small community east of
savannah with a reasonable beach and hotels (tybee island, ga) and it's
about 15 minutes away from where i live. we are also within sight of
Hilton Head island for those of you with unlimited budgets.....it's about
an hours drive but you really can see it from the beaches on tybee.
>>How about we shoot for 18/19 or 25/26?
of august?
and if you saw moon's message about snorkeling, you won't be doing much of
that around here - water's too murky inshore (a plankton lovers dream) -
get offshore a few miles and it clears up but certainly not close to land
(except in winter!)
>>Ok what is bait shrimping?
the art of throwing a cast net (or dragging a net behind a small boat) to
catch shrimp for bait. bait shrimping regulations are different for net
size and where you are allowed to drag a net than the regulations for
"food" shrimp.
usually though, what i catch for bait and don't use comes home to meet the
cast iron aquarium. unless the DNR is reading this and then i release
>>Don't worry about that he {andy} said.Send all collected specimen to Pat
in Atlanta
hmmmm.....don't know about that. he sent me the specimen jars back in
october or november and i've been too slack to fill them up and send them
back. however, you may get to help fill them if i procrastinate much
>>Do you have a seine ?
nope. and seining in the marsh grass (spartina) around here can be highly
entertaining for the onlookers. mud up to your armpits in a lot of
locations. maybe even most locations. i know some folks who have large
(100 foot) seines but they insist on using those on the beaches for shrimp.
i'd be ground up for chum if i brought back a hundred feet of muddy seine.
for those of you with academic connections, the University of Georgia
maintains a research facility (with some really cool aquariums) on one of
the islands close by (Skidaway Island Marine Institue) and they keep some
large research vessels that you, with the right connections and the right
line of BS, might be able to wrangle a ride on. just a thought.
let's do it!
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