NANFA-- NANFA digest

Kruse, Jeff (
Wed, 29 Nov 2000 09:54:15 -0800

I have been getting the digest now for about 8 months. I have to say that I
find it difficult to use. I would like to stay in touch but the digest is
just to hard to use. I have switched to individual e-mails.

I have also tried to make several posts but I don't know if they ever worked
because I could not find them on the digest.

There was a discussion on transporting fish. I put my fish in plastic bags
then put the plastic bags in a cooler that has some water in it. This
prevents the fish from banging into something hard. I have put fish
directly into a plastic bucket before. This was a bad Idea. The fish kept
banging into the side of the bucket. They were all beat up when I got them

Also, I have seen sticklebacks put into a bucket that had some bleach
residue in it. They all died. Thanks for the lesson Jay ;)

Jeff Kruse

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