RE: NANFA-- Re: Tank Raised Vs. Wild

Mark (
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 21:07:27 -0500

At 7:20 PM -0600 11/13/00, wrote:
>I wouldn't want to discourage a good and useful program, but the
>BAP run by those other guys is really nothing more than a conduit
>for newbies to get free fish, despite their best intentions. So if this
>involves sending "starter cultures" to would-be breeders then be
>prepared to never hear from them again.

I guess it would all depend on how you set it up. There are quite a few
people that I know of personally who are already breeding stuff. Just
their knowledge alone would be really valueable. I say we give them
retroactive points just for recording what they have already done!

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