Yes. Again, this is another fine anecdote from the Farmer, but I feel the
less ions and solids you have to deal with, the more potent the activity of
what you're dosing will be. The idea is to get that fish in there and then
get them out to minimize the experience. And RO water is so cheap and
available on that scale that it's just worth it for the extra peace of mind
It's really just another way to simplify, and it also doesn't hurt when you
have a 180 gpd RO unit sitting there collecting dust heh. I really need to
hook that thing up to my house and get some *human* use out of it. Nah, my
animals aren't spoiled or anything. It's perfectly normal to feed the fish
chopped up seafood from the grocery, the cat steak and tuna, while you eat
McDonalds and drink water straight from the city, right? ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Davis
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Re: nanfa V1 #1449
... And I only have to do RO water dips with whatever chems, or feed in a
more direct system that can be sterilized after use.
I have heard of salt water dips to remove ecto-paracites from freshwater
fish and freshwater dips to remove paracites from marine fish.
Is one using a R.O.water solution so that the medication is more quickly
Would one hear little popping sounds from the gills?
Thanks and all the best,
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