Nope, you're not alone. I have one one-inch hole in my foundation to run the
exess air from my blower out to the pond outside. I had grand plans that
the warm air from in the house bubbling in the pond would help warm it up a
bit. If it does, I cannot tell with the thermometers I use. Then , when it
gets really cold the inside of the line frosts up. 78 degree air at 50 %
humidity ( on average) suddenly dropping in temp raises the dew point and
causes water to form and freeze fast. This plugs up the line then.
What works really nice so far is a mini green house. Building a frame out
of something simple to take a part come spring, like pvc. Pounds some rebar
stakes in the ground. connect the pvc with Ts and X's to make a frame work.
Then pull some 4 mil clear plastic over the frame and tack it ot the ground
with the tacks that they sell to use with bird netting. Heavy rocks and
bricks could work too.
I got the Idea from a friend in a local fish club. His a bit better. He has
two four by fours with bases and a notch in top. Puts a iron pipe between
them. Then crosses over that with sprinkler line to form arches. Then puts
the plastic over. He keeps his koi in this pond through winter with no
problems. Its an above ground pond about knee deep with cinder block walls
and the worst ice he has is a small piece the size of a five gallon pail
lid. Considering ice on local lakes gets to nearly a foot thick on average,
this is pretty good. This is cheaper to run than any heater, and does a
whole lot better job. The only thing that works better costs more, and
causes too much evaporation. This would be those big gas fired heaters that
can keep a koi pond in the upper seventies. I seen these in action on web
sites. I don't want to see there gas bill however.
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