> Hi, Jim. As one who organizes trips periodically, I can speak to what
> you're saying. In principal, it's a good idea to have some means of
> communication other than the Internet. You're right; there are people who
> are not computer savy, who are left out when things come up.
> On the other hand, through the years I've found that most of our members
> just not very active. On many occasions, I've sent mailings out to
> in my state and the surrounding states, and for the most part, only one or
> two people would respond. Often, I'd plan a trip and no one would attend.
> It's a lot of trouble to write and print a leaflet announcing a trip, make
> 30 or 40 copies, stuff them into envelopes, address them, spend $20 or $40
> on postage, only to receive no responses.
> Also, members of my local fish club--many of whom aren't even NANFA
> members--have shown more interest in trips than people who are NANFA
> members.
> Fuirthermore, my schedule is usually tight, and trips may be a spur of the
> moment event, such as when a member of my local fish club inquires about
> collecting somewhere.
> The thought just struck me--perhaps a short article in NANFA acknowledging
> the problem, and advising non-Internet capable NANFA members to contact
> their regional rep/contacts about being added to a phone list. In
> to our e-mail announcements, we could call those few members who express
> interest in going out on a trip.
> Charles, Dr. Sharpf Gahn Fischen, what do you think?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jim Graham" <jimbob54_at_voyager.net>
> To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 9:47 AM
> Subject: NANFA-- internet clubs
> > On the AKA killitalk email list there has been ongoing banter about not
> > cutting out the folks who don't do the computer thing. Which made me
> > about NANFA as a internet based group. Every year there are lots of
> collecting
> > trips and if you are not on the email list whether or not you have a
> computer
> > you won't know about them. I know there was some talk about bringing
> the
> > Darter as a monthly publication and maybe that would be something to
> consider
> > to bring the non computer folks into the ongoing activities. Just
> something to
> > think about.
> >
> > Jim Graham
> > Hastings MI
> --
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