RE: worm bins was Re: NANFA-- nightcrawlers: predators?
Crail, Todd (
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 22:42:35 -0400
You just made my day. I can't stand throwing away all that prime worm food, all wrapped up in plastic so it doesn't degrade at the landfill, just because Sarah didn't trust me. I was thinking too big. Now if it stinks, the worst thing that can happen is I just pick it up and take it out of the house, and she was okay with that :)
Did you drill the bins at all for aeration? And do you just use newspaper as the base? What's your water volume?
I'd take this off list, but I think this is an excellent way for NANFAns to practice conservation and make some fine fish food... Not to mention all those wonderful castings for planting next spring!
Thanks!!! :)
-----Original Message-----
From: geoff and julie kimber
Sent: Tue 10/1/2002 9:29 PM
Subject: worm bins was Re: NANFA-- nightcrawlers: predators?
Todd -
I have had good results just using plastic totes for worm bins. I usually
raise red worms as they don't need a tunnel system like nightcrawlers do and
they also chow down very quickly on veggie scraps from the kitchen.
Geoff Kimber
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