If there is a way to make sure that only responsible aquarists aquire
species that are legally imported, and that the irresponsible rascals, all
of whom make sure to avoid joining any organizations, of course, cannot get
them, I have no idea what it might be.
> This is an issue which pops up repeatedly, because of the destructive
nature of exotics on our natives. Most NANFAns consider the
> discussion germane to our interests.
> On 7 Oct 2002 at 8:56, Dave McNeely wrote:
> > Regarding all the discussion and opposition that has been voiced on
> > this list to the USFWS and variousl states enacting new regulations
> > regarding the family Chanidae: Isn't this the North American NATIVE
> > Fish Association? Should we not be doing what we can for NATIVE
> > fishes?
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Dave McNeely
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