Though they may not admit it now, my teachers were mark binkley, casper and
maybe it was them moonpies.
Geoff Kimber
The northernmost southern city
The horse capital of the world tm
On Sun, 6 Oct 2002 11:02:56 -0500 "Denkhaus, Robert"
<> wrote:
> > The best
> > results I have seen
> > come from extending 1 foot at a time sideways
> and dragging
> > the foot back -
> > then repeat with the other foot to the other
> side - then take
> > a step and
> > repeat until you reach the net.
> Sounds like Geoff manages to combine seining
> and dancing the hokey-pokey. :)
> Rob Denkhaus
> Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
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