Christopher Scharpf wrote:
> I will be speaking at the:
> Potomac Valley Aquarium Society 2002 Fall Fish Festival & Show
> Sat. Oct. 27
> Falls Church Best Western
> 6633 Arlington Blvd
> Falls Church, VA
> Here's the blurb from the PVAS website:
> 2:00 pm -- Christopher Scharpf, editor of the North American Native Fishes
> Association's (NANFA) publication, American Currents, and a member of the
> NANFA Board of Directors, Mr. Scharpf will present the workshop, "Freshwater
> Fishes of North America: Diversity, Natural History, Conservation and
> Aquarium Care." North America has the largest temperate fish fauna in the
> world -- more than 1,000 species -- and one in three are at risk of
> extinction. This presentation surveys species that make good aquarium
> subjects, what's being done to save imperiled fishes in the wild, and how
> hobbyists can help.
> For more details, go to:
> Chris Scharpf
> Baltimore
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