Thanks for the madtoms Bruce! Im all set with that species.
Im looking for a few good fish. We need them for an exhibit of native
dwelling fish. Can anyone get any of these other fish?
COMMON CARP Cyprinus carpio 2-4 specimens about 5 inches
COMMON SHINER Luxilus cornutus 4-6 specimens
EMERALD SHINER Notropis atherinoides 6-10 specimens
BLACKNOSE DACE Rhinichthys atratulus 12-20 specimens
LONGNOSE DACE Rhinichthys cataractae 12-20 specimens
FALLFISH Semotilus corporalis 4-6 specimens
TROUT-PERCH Percopsis omiscomaycus 4-6 specimens
SLIMY SCULPIN Cottus cognates 4-6 specimens
BURBOT Lota lota 4-6 specimens 6 inches or less
*Any suggestions on these species would also be appreciated, as we have never
maintained them in the past.
They will be going into a 180 gallon tank with sand substrate, driftwood, and
a bit of gravel and cobble. It is equipped with a wet/dry filter and a
hp chiller if needed. The set at 55 degrees F. The lighting is
low as it once housed brook trout.
Thanks in advance for any fish and/or advice,
Brian Bastarache (NANFA New England)
Bristol Co. Natural History Center/
Bristol Co. Agricultural School
135 Center St.
Dighton, MA 02715
PS: Thanks for all the advice on the estuary tank too.
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