>From: "Nick Zarlinga" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RE: NANFA-- help with fish ID
>Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 13:36:34 -0700
>Steve, what would be your reasonings against N. dorsalis? I am looking at
>it purely from a gross morphological standpoint only, but this seems to be
>the best match. Check out this page:
>Nick Zarlinga
>Aquarium Biologist
>Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
>216.661.6500 ext 4485
>-----Original Message-----
>From: On Behalf
>Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 1:07 PM
>Subject: RE: NANFA-- help with fish ID
>Although I don't have the actual fish in-hand to ID the photos are well
>That said, I don't believe that the fish is a sand shiner. The
>melanophores in the scales along the lateral line and at the base of the
>dorsal fin in N. ludibundus aren't present in the pictures.
>Additionally, the mouth appears sub-terminal and shaped almost like a
>stoneroller's - not at all like the mouth on the sand shiners in my
>reference collection.
>The fish doesn't look like any of the fish I commonly come across (which
>isn't surprising) so I would guess that it is a shiner not found in this
>part of the country - that is NOT N. ludibundus, N. dorsalis, N. cornutus
>or N. topeka.
>Steve Haslouer
>Environmental Scientist III
>Bureau of Environmental Field Services
>Kansas Department of Health and Environment
>1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 430
>Topeka, KS 66612-1367
>(785) 296 - 0079
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