NANFA-- Swine Creek... the real swine
Mon, 2 Sep 2002 20:36:16 EDT

clear water always beckons rob... thanks for the invite.
next week it is in ne ms i hope. a detour would most likely provide it. if
you were closer rob in ohio i would be there pronto.
this weekend i had major dissappointment again in experiencing heavy
siltation of a former wonder stream. the tellico river. i was able to snorkle
the nearby citico to some degree of success. greenfin darters, longnose dace,
rosy side dace were the highlights. several miles downstream the variety
changed dramatically. this is becoming an interest of mine how a streams
inhabatants can change in just a short distance. i want to learn more of this.
the next day my son and i treked on a very rough road to what i thought was a
promising remote site. just a few humans can make far more of a wallowing
mess than a herd of swine. trash was strewn everywhere. beer cans, pop cans,
diapers, nasty toilet paper, smoldering fires, horse crap, trash, trash,
trash. they had 4 wheelers and had flat out tore up everything. every water
hole was completely muddied. every water stream crossing was rutted. silt
covered every rock. visibility was less than a foot. i was able to walk
upstream beyond the wreckage and observe stonerollers, black nose dace, lots
of creek chubbs, bass and sunfish. i was hoping for more and may have found
it downstream if the water was clear. this was hellbender territory. i had
been to this spot several years ago and had high hopes for the return. am i
discouraged and pissed off. this has been the year when i have really seen
what we are doing to our mountain streams in tennessee.
discouraged and frustrated,
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