I _don't_ want to infringe on anyone's intellectual property. I'll contact
him first.
What's good about these guys... Is that they move a huge _volume_ of water,
with minimal velocity and it's incredibly efficient at using it's energy and
not wasting any as heat. In a large tank that's 6' long, this is what would
be desired and would be much more stream like.
The light stuff... I'll get to that at lunch ;)
My summary is... "Light: Don't over analyze it!"
----- Original Message -----
From: "Shane Graber" <SGraber_at_sauder.com>
To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 10:14 AM
Subject: RE: NANFA-- 135 gal. Freshwater Tank
> LG said the impellor shaft was made of stainless steel and that it was
> "saltwater safe." When a lot of marine hobbyists started buying this pump
> they found out that it really wasn't "saltwater safe" and that some shafts
> would corrode. It was traced down to using a lower grade stainless steel
> the shaft than what is typically used in marine applications. This little
> fact basically doomed Jimmy from the onset.
> Jimmy's not answering any more inqiries about the Reeftec's unless
> something's changed on his website: http://www.reeftec.com/ It's
> definitely a great product, but just doesn't hold up long term in a
> corrosive environment like a marine tank.
> This mod is *incredibly* easy if you get the LG pump, a 1" nylon spacer,
> nylon screw, and left hand RC boat prop. The only real thing that would
> take much time to fabricate would be the hanger for inside the tank. I'm
> considering using this on my 125 freshwater tank (when I get going on
> setting it up)... ;)
> Shane
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