I haven't yet, but it may work out that I do my Masters work with them,
specifically in the Maumee River watershed. I had planned on doing
comparative analysis of fish community condition (FISHCON) vs riparian
condition (RIPCON) in a portion of the watershed (I just happen to be a fish
guy who knows his plant communities too ;), but I've had the fortunate luck
to cross paths with Dr. Ted Cavender at OSUM and get some guidance.
Apparently, I was being overly ambitious and would probably get any
conclusions ignored in peer review because the topic was too large and
ambitious. He's suggested doing life history work with a species in the
same watershed and agrees that the Maumee is a very interesting watershed to
examine because it is soooo taxed by land use practices.
The creek chubsucker is a perfect "stream health monitor" for this area
because of their tiny fillamentous gills and complete intolerance to
suspended particulate matter (clay particulates from agricultural run off
are the Maumee's biggest foe at this point... To the point that no one even
has bothered with concern for non-source point ;), they are one of the
smaller suckers and live in smaller places in the watershed, which are more
easily monitored by one man seining. Additonally, their smaller size for a
Catostomid makes them quite tangible to work with in aquaria.
I'm looking forward to finding out more of his thoughts... So I may have
some more info after this Wed ;) So.. I haven't yet, but I just might be
in the near future...
Definately a neat fish and a good candidate for the home aquarium when they
can be collected from unimperilled populations. However, this is one tho
that can change oh-so-very-quickly... So do consider your activities with
them carefully. One untimely heavy rain after one farmer decides to plow or
something and a whole population can be literally choked out.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John B" <bongi_at_cox-internet.com>
To: "Nanfa" <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 10:53 PM
Subject: NANFA-- Creek Chubsuscker
> Has anyone had the opportunity to work with the Creek Chubsucker? What
> are their in-tank requiremetns? The fish are threatened in Texas and
> therefore illegal to keep but I have caught them on a couple of
> occations. There are several states in which they appear to be common.
> They seem to be solitary fish found in heavily planted rocky bottomed
> streams (yes Rob, I found a little one in East Texas!) The following
> titles are from the AC but a little dated and I don't have copies. Here
> are a couple of photos of what I've identified as Erimyzon oblongatus.
> http://www.cox-internet.com/pretzelogic/images/Erimyzon-oblongus.jpg
> http://www.cox-internet.com/pretzelogic/images/Creek-Chub.jpg
> 1. Harold H. Gray
> 1981, Spring, The Creek Chubsucker, Erimyzon oblongatus, in the Northeast
> Description, distribution, habitat, forage role, food, growth and
> reproduction of the creek chubsucker
> 2. Bruce Gebhardt
> 1982, Oct, The Creek Chubsucker (Erimyzon oblongus): Belated Letter to
> the Editor
> Color variations, aquarium habits and care of the creek chubsucker
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