If you love Muskies and Northern Pike, you will love the Pickerel.
I can't help you on the Sturgeon. Although I would say no because a 125g tank is only 18"
deep. That seems a little tight for turning around comfortably. In addition the tank is only
twice as long as the fish. Sturgeon are pretty active and this doesn't seem like it will
provide adequate room for the fish to swim and explore.
Gastropodmania_at_aol.com wrote:
> I was wondering if you have any information about Esox americanus, the redfin
> or grass pickerel. Since they only get to be 15" I thought they might be a
> better choice than a spotted gar in an 125 gallon tank. Can they be weaned onto
> commercial big carnivorous fish food? I was also wondering if you could keep
> a yard long little sturgeon in a 125 gallon tank.
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