<< some people asked why would i want to get rid of the snails. it is
snails are an intermediate carrier of some bad fish problems. and the bad
guys need to hitch a ride on the snail before hitting on the fish. so if i
dont have snails i will not have the problem. i forget what some of the
problems are right now. but i am sure others in nanfa can talk about them.
George, if the snails are aquarium grown and don't have contact with bird
feces there isn't anything to worry about. They can only get the parasites
from bird feces. The birds are the third leg of the triangle. Birds to snails
to fish and back to birds. The best snails to have are the MTS snails. They
stay buried in the gravel during the day and usually only come out at night.
They keep the sand stirred up and are good scavengers. BTW if your snails
were infected now your pumpkinseed is too!
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