Re: NANFA-- RE: nanfa V1 #1332

R. W. Wolff (
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 19:43:45 -0500

That is the best approach. Talking with wardens as if they were people, not
the enforcer from planet X. I usually set down my equipment immediatly and
take out my license and have it out in plain veiw before they ask. Body
language is important. Look through their eyes. Do you appear threatening or
belligerant. Even if you are having a crappy day, try to smile and act
friendly. First answer any questions, and if you have some questions after
that, it always helps lighten the situtation. Such as, where is the best
place in this body of water to find dense coontail ( if you really don't
know, this is an example). Something that says, I respect you and any
knowledge you might have. Even if this warden doesn't know a pirate perch
from a madtom, odds are they have seen much of the area you are in and know
it well. Just think, police do not have stop every driver to see if they
have a drivers license, but wardens usually have to stop by each person
fishing to see if they have theres. That has got to be a drag, especially
when you know many people have a low regard for you and the job you do. I
have only ran into one disagreeable person, and this looked like a young guy
just out of highschool ( on a apprenticeship type thing probably) who was a
total jerk. Trying to look big to the the other older guy who didn't seemed
amused by his younger partners conduct. Often they become sick of my chit
chat and beg to get away. I ask many questions when at a new location. As
apparent by this post, I just can't shut up.

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