Re: NANFA-- Black Hets./Black Mollies

R. W. Wolff (
Sat, 15 May 2004 11:40:25 -0500

> Anyway, it's a deplorable situation. It won't be long before the entire
> hobby is reduced to a relatively tiny handful of species, I fear.

And these will be banned because they are exotic species. Then most people
out of fear will run to the river and dump their pets in so they aren't
caught with them. The folly of banning certain pets, they usually end up
roaming the wild. Any wonder why more snakeheads turned up in MD? Possessing
them is illegal, and they cannot be transported over state lines to someone
who wants them.

The end of fish keeping is in sight. But, that is alright, as one government
official said in regards to the snakeheads " Who needs these things
anyways"? With a mentality like that, it can be applied to anything.

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