RE: NANFA-- fish parasites
Crail, Todd (
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 20:49:05 -0500
Hello Erika,
Ah yes... The great pepper parasite mystery. I've been wondering myself. The best guesses I've heard so far are "nematode" and "trematode" and I will note that gloichida has been ruled out. However, those making their guesses would only mention that it *was not* gloichida before peer review. :) Gloichida specifically target the gills, as you mentioned.
So we have a picture, here's a blacknose dace with the characteristic infection on the belly, pelvic, anal and caudal fins:
This is what you're talking about, correct? Somebody pleaaaaaaase put this to rest. I've seen them everywhere from northern Ontario to Tennessee and South Carolina to Illinois, in every type of water system, with every kind of human influence or absence. Somebody's gotta know what these buggers are :)
-----Original Message-----
From: Erika Iyengar
Sent: Sat 11/9/2002 7:39 PM
Subject: NANFA-- fish parasites
Hello! I realize without any pictures or (more helpful) specimens,
this is a tough one, but I am interested in any ideas. I am
wondering if someone has any idea who/what the parasite is that
causes black cysts in small local stream fish, especially bluntnose
minnows? The black cysts occur all over the body of the fish and all
of its fins. I have looked at it under a microscope and they
certainly are embedded in the flesh, but other than looking like
cysts, I don't see any distinguishing characteristics. Dissecting
them out wasn't too illuminating either. My guess is that they are
some sort of fluke (trematode) or glochidia (clam) larvae, but I
thought glochidia only infected the gills. If it is a fluke, any
idea what genus? Thanks for any help/suggestions you can provide.
:-> Erika Iyengar
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