Re: NANFA-- orangefin madtom status

Dave Neely (
Fri, 05 Nov 1999 14:30:08 CST


>I just checked the USFWS endangered fishes list at
> and the orangefin >madtom is
>not listed.
>I also checked the recently (10/25/99) published list of candidate >fishes,
>and the orangefin madtom is not listed there.

Noturus gilberti had "C2" status before that system was dropped several
years ago. The USFWS recently revived the C1-C2 designations, and from what
I understand brought most of the taxa that had been on it back. If there's
enough evidence that the James R pop is native, then it probably won't be a
major priority item. It has also been designated as "Threatened" by the
American Fisheries Society (which, although not carrying any legislative
weight, is meant to guide conservation efforts). It IS State listed in both
NC and VA.


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