Regarding an online list of North Carolina native fishes, a quick Google
search on "NC Endangered Fish" produced the following:
The US Fish & Wildlife Service > < lists
the following North Carolina species as endangered:
Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis mekistocholas)
Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum)
Spotfin Chub (Cyprinella monacha)
Waccamaw Silverside (Menidia extensa)
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission indicates that about a
quarter of NC fish species are designated Endangered, Threatened, or Special
Concern by the state.
The following is from their web site:
"North Carolina is home to nearly 200 native species of freshwater fish. Of
these, approximately 25% are designated Endangered, Threatened, or Special
Concern within the state. [Defined below.] The Nongame and Endangered
Wildlife Program strives to prevent species from becoming endangered through
maintaining viable, self-sustaining populations of native wildlife, with an
emphasis on species in decline. Public education is a major component of
this effort. The following pages provide detailed information about North
Carolina's Endangered freshwater fish species. The following are definitions
of each status:
Endangered status includes any native species whose continued existence as
a viable component of the state's fauna is determined to be in jeopardy
and/or is designated "Endangered" by the United States Fish and Wildlife
Service under the Endangered Species Act. [Federal and State Endangered:
Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis mekistocholas)]
Threatened includes any native species likely to become endangered within
the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range
within the state and/or is designated "Threatened" by the United States Fish
and Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act. [Federally and State
Threatened: [Spotfin Chub (Cyprinella monacha); Waccamaw Silverside (Menidia
Special Concern designation applies to any species that is determined to
require monitoring.
The North Carolina Division of Water Quality has the following downloadable
and searchable databases of North Carolina fish species, though conservation
status isn't indicated:
The very long website address is:
I saved the above information for myself, and hope it helps others who are
interested in NC fishes.
Dennis Burnette
Greensboro, NC
> Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 13:22:20 -0500
> From: "pncwd" <>
> Subject: NANFA-L-- online list of natives
> I am looking for a list of just North Carolina natives. I know there are 6
> native fish that only occure in NC. But what others are naturally here and
> what ones have been imported from other states and or countries. Is there an
> online list or do I have to go get the North Carolina's fish field guide to
> native fish.
> Thanks
> Pat
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