These would involve a fair amount of driving time, so I don't think it would be wise to combine them with a trip to the Annapolis area. And you haven't missed anything, I've just been thinking out loud. Area trips possibilities include:
Chesapeake Bay, Annapolis area, for Cyprinidon variegatus, Bay anchovies, pipefish, mummichog, silversides
Tidal Potomac River, near Mount Vernon, for Snakeheads (Channa argus argus)--for photographing only, as these are illegal to transport. Other species found in the area include silversides (inland, I think), white perch, pumpkinseed, bluegill, and redbreast sunfish; banded killifish, highfin carpsucker
Pennyfield Lock, C&O canal, North of Potomac (angling trip for longear sunfish)
Southern Maryland, for bluespotted sunfish, flier, redfin pickerel, and warmouth.
These are all tentative, as I haven't scheduled anything or made inquiries into any necessary permits. (The angling trip would only require that those who plan to collect have a MD State fishing lisence.)
Hope that helps.
-----Original Message-----
>From: pinocchio <>
>Sent: Mar 8, 2006 9:25 AM
>Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- pipefishes in the Chesapeake Bay
>--- Bob Bock <> wrote:
>> Each year, I lead a trip or two into nearby areas.
>> Typically, I apply for a scientific collection
>> permit, on behalf of NANFA, that covers the people
>> on the trip. Like you, I presume that it's legal to
>> collect pipefish (but don't know for sure). I know
>> lots of seahorses have fallen on hard times--don't
>> know about our particular seahorse, but it's always
>> best to check first.
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