Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- articles for AC / Bottle tanks
From: matt ashton (
Date: Wed Nov 17 2004 - 12:18:07 CST
My grandparents bought one of those stand alone 2.5 gallon water units that will pour hot and cold water seperate and I have been collecting those empty containers for such a future use, time and space permitting. Because that isnt like the typical office water cooler they dont HAVE to turn in the bottles to get refils. Just finding the right way to mount and close off and connect a system and there ya have it. That is all that really cheap brine shrimp hatchery is with the 2 liter upside down, people use it for fry, so why not adults is my thoughts. Cheap too!
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: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 12:42:51 CST